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Buy Pomegranates Online

Pomegranate Mollar Valenciana , currently considered one of the “superfruits” for the large amount of nutrients that contain, potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C, with great ANTIOXIDANT power and low caloric value, , due to its low carbohydrate content.

The bright red color of the grains of pomegranates makes it very attractive for consumption, both for desserts, pomegranate salads, we can also use it in juice that is refreshing and very pleasant.

Pomegranates Mollar 18 Kg
Pomegranates Mollar 18 Kg

Price Box 53 € - 2.94 €/Kg

Pomegranates Mollar 12 Kg
Pomegranates Mollar 12 Kg

Price Box 43 € - 3.58 €/Kg